Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Breast Feeding Help For First Time Mothers

As a first time mother, you may need some breast feeding help. You may have certain questions and doubts in your mind. What to do if you face exhaustion after the baby is born, when to feed the baby, with what to feed it, and how to feed the baby if you are running dry and your baby is crying. This is the time that lactation consultants and other breast feeding specialists can be of use to you in giving you the required advice.

The Expert Advice of a Lactation Consultant

Many hospitals provide breast feeding help in the form of a lactation consultation, as a part of their pregnancy package. Sometimes, a lactation consultant may work privately also. A first time mother should seek help from a lactation consultant. It is much better to learn by practically seeing how breast-feeding is done, rather than trying to interpret and translate words and pictures. So get to a lactation consultant before you begin to have breast feeding problems or sore nipples.

Your lactation consultant can help you with any difficulties you may have in getting your baby to latch on or suckle or any other health problems the baby may have that affect breast feeding.

Ask your hospital or your doctor for a good lactation consultant. Check their credentials. They should have the IBCLC or the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant qualification attached to their name.

A first time mother, who is having a really bad time with breast-feeding and needs to pump milk or needs breast shells, should take the advice of a lactation consultant.

The La Leche League

Finally, you could also approach the La Leche League and ask a la Leche volunteer to help you out in times of difficulty. La Leche League is a breast feeding charity that has a world wide network. Here, volunteers help mothers by telephone and also through support meetings.

When you need breast feeding help, do not worry. Approach a breast feeding consultant.

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