Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Breast Feeding Questions And Confusions Cleared

When you are breastfeeding for the first time, there may be many doubts and questions in your mind. Here are some breast feeding questions answered.

Will the Milk Be Enough for My Baby?

You may often wonder, if the milk your breasts produce will be enough for the baby’s needs. You should know that, if the baby suckles the mother’s breasts correctly, and is allowed to nurse for as often and as long as it likes, your breasts will begin to produce a hormone that creates milk. Those babies, who do not gain weight while breast-feeding, are probably not suckling correctly.

What if My Breasts are small?

Some mothers feel that because they have small breasts, they will be unable to produce enough milk for the baby’s needs. This however is not true, as women with small breasts can produce adequate milk to feed their babies. It is in fact women with larger breasts, who sometimes find it difficult to get their babies to suckle correctly.

Mothers often ask, whether it is all right to feel pain in the breasts while nursing. While nursing, if your baby latches on correctly, you should feel a tugging sensation. Paying attention to positioning can prevent soreness of the breasts. Alternating between breasts can prevent tenderness and soreness. If you feel pain, get in touch with your health care practitioner. You may have a yeast infection.

Should I Give My Baby Water?

In hot weather, if the baby becomes irritable and cranky, you can give it some water, however the mother’s milk provides the ideal mix of nutrients, including water. It is advisable that you drink a lot of water instead.

How Will I Know That My Baby Has Finished Breast feeding?

Your baby will indicate you that it has finished feeding, by leaving the breast.

Is Breast Feeding Better or Formula Feeding?

Breast feeding is any day better than formula feeding. The benefits of breast feeding are many. The mother’s milk contains antibodies that prevent a baby from falling ill. It builds the baby’s immune system and helps in mother child bonding. It also ensures better growth and development and a higher IQ in the child.

We hope those breast feeding questions and answers cleared the air quite a bit. We wish you and your baby, happy bonding. For more information visit pregnancy period.

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